David Meeks with The Dream Home Company brought by an interesting guest to our Stream Three Creative studio. Take a look at these beautiful videos.
Archive for Our Blog
Why Use Video?
Video has the ability to add a new dimension to your business strategy. Internet video in particular can offer your potential clients a chance to see what your business has to offer in a concise, entertaining format. Static text on websites can often bore viewers and lead them away from the site but video can capture their attention and deliver an important message in a short period of time. Considering today’s technology, video can be integrated into your website easier than you may think. With little effort, you could capitalize on the benefits of video with the help of Stream Three Creative.
Now Partnering with Skyline Exhibits
Stream Three Creative is excited to announce that we will now be partnering with Skyline Exhibits by Larry Reitz and Associates. Click the links below to learn more about this exciting opportunity.
The Battle of BIG Internet
Full disclosure I am not a populist by nature. I tend to not buy into the ‘big business is evil’ diatribes we hear so often in the media. However, there are times when the undercurrents of those who run things really start to annoy me. One such issue is the way that competing Internet giants continue to fight over video standards. The result of the battles between giants such as Google, Microsoft, Apple, etc is that ‘We the People’ have to tolerate inconsistent services, unending updates, and continuous hassles as we try to just watch a video.
As a provider of professional video services, we are faced with constantly having to sort out what is the best way to distribute a video file for a customer. Adobe Flash? Windows media? Quick time? h.264? Most end users don’t give a flip about any of this, they just want to see the video. The result is that services like YouTube flourish because they take any standard and convert it to the standard du jour. That is fine unless you wish to provide a bit more polish than YouTube offers. However when you add a custom player to your site you risk the chance that significant parts of your audience won’t be able to view it.
Microsoft recently responded to a push from Google to create an upgrade so that Windows Media files can be played in the Chrome browser. (click here for the press release). As this is released, it is still not possible to view a flash video on an iphone or ipad making huge amounts of content unavailable to these users. As a ‘little guy’ in the equation, this sure looks like the ‘Big Boys’ have lost sight of what is important.
The great irony of the whole situation is that html5 was supposed to bring all these different options together into a single standard. And yet as video continues to explode in popularity, the powers that be continue their tit-for-tat while the rest of us sigh and tolerate another update, plug-in, error message, instead of the video we want to watch.
Why Your Web Site May Be Irrelevant
A Quiz for You
Every business needs a strong website, right? If not, how would anyone find your company when they Google your name? Who would know what you do or the products you sell (at least the ones you listed in 2007 when you last updated)? Hey look, the big money spent on your website with that hip marketing firm created a 24/7 presence and lots of credibility. That is critical in a competitive world – Isn’t it?
Let’s take a quick quiz to see whether your web strategy is on track:
When was the last time you visited your own website?
A) Today, heck I’ve got the site open right now and am updating a conversation
B) Last week.
C) Last month or maybe a couple months ago, I can’t really remember.
D) Why would I visit my own site – this test seems a little silly to me.
How many people visit your site every day?
A) Lots and our traffic has been increasing due to our web management efforts such as blogging, SEO, social media strategy, etc.
B) Probably quite a few, we get regular leads from our website
C) Not sure, but the IT guys tell me it is quite popular
D) Who knows, our web guy says things like analytics are a myth anyway.
When was the last time your website was updated?
A) Our site is very dynamic; my staff, our followers, and I update it constantly.
B) We post items to our site every week or so.
C) It costs so much to have our web designer/IT guys/insert-your-designated- web-manager’s-name-here make updates we only do it once or twice a year.
D) Our business hasn’t changed in the last 3 years, why would our web site need to be updated?
How much of your current business can be attributed in any way to your web presence?
A) 90% or more
B) 50 – 90%
C) Less than 50%
D) I don’t have any way of knowing, again, this quiz seems pretty silly to me.
If you answered A or B to most of these questions, it is obvious that your web presence is an important part of your business strategy. You use your website, blog, and social media as important parts of your sales and customer retention process.
If you answered C or D to all or most of these, I recommend giving serious consideration to the resources you are dedicating to your Internet presence. If business is good, perhaps you don’t need a dynamic web strategy (there still are businesses out there who survive without technology at the core). On the other hand, if your sales and marketing efforts are not producing as they used to, perhaps your website has become Irrelevant. Stay tuned to find out what you can do to make things better.